Credence Analytics - Quotation Process
By Vijay Simha on June 22, 2022
BeginnerA quotation is a formal proposal of the scope , pricing and the terms and conditions under which the services is rendered or license is granted to use . A quotation is the base document for the Purchase Order and other deliverables and includes a precise summary of all the understandings and communications between the parties as part of Pre Sales.
The proposal once uploaded will generate the Proposal Number in the draft mode . Please use the Proposal Number as Reference Number in the proposals shared with the customers. Finance will be accepting the Purchase Order only if the proposal is routed through ERP and uploaded therein.
Once your Proposal is uploaded, it will be reviewed by Finance and approved by the CEO.
You will be uploading your proposal and save it in the proposed mode in draft. Please ensure that the PDF copy of the proposal is attached on the left hand side corner and also assign your proposal to your senior, Assign to Trupti , Anita & Vijay for review and approval submission by Vijay . All Proposals will be approved by the CEO. Finance will leave their comments for any changes or clarifications.
Please upload all your Proposals on the link provided:
How to Create a Quotation :
1. Go to the Quotation List and click on New :
For uploading a new Quotation : Go to the link & add Quotation
Please enter the date of the quotation and the validity of the proposal. The Proposal is `to Customer Please mention the name of the customer from the Existing list . In case of uploading quotations to new customers, please enter the quotations through LEAD Generation . Please see on the left hand side top corner for quotation Tab
You can choose the Currency as per the country and let the price be standard selling.
Please enter Row wise the items in your Proposals:
License Separately and for customizations - please enter Man days and rate
You can leave the taxes blank. You can enter any discount provided.
Payment terms to be entered as per the payment milestone offered in your proposal.
Terms & Conditions have been created as part of the standard template. You can choose the same
Post which you can save your quotation. Once you save the quotation - you get the quotation number . . Please ensure you mention the quotation number in the document shared with the customer. Please attach the document on the left hand side top corner of the Quotation screen for Finance & CEO to review and approve.
There are standard rates mentioned in the price list which you can refer to . We will be computing the Margins based on the actual selling price quoted by you against each proposal.
The Price to be quoted on the Price: Items: is the rate offered by you or selling price . Please enter the efforts / days under quantity and rate. will be Man day.
Save and Submit.
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